Infection Control Course (4 CME)

Infection Control Course (4 CME)

Health care associated infection (HAI) could lead to death, disability and excess medical costs world wide.

Trained personnel in Infection Control will reduce or eliminate the number of HAI and improve the overall safety and quality standards in the healthcare facilities.

Course Details:

Duration: 1 Day

Flexible Schedules:  Every Thursday

Course Approval:
Eatimad Infection Control training is approved by Dubai Health Authority DHA. The Program will award you with 4 CME Credits.

Certificate is accepted by all DHA (Dubai Health Authority), MOH and DOH-Abu Dhabi

If you are interested in Infection control training, then feel free to contact Eatimad Training Center for additional information on our courses, prices, schedule and other course features. We are always ready to answer your questions.

CALL NOW  to speak to one of our representative.

Infection Control Course (4 CME)

infection control course dubai 1 1


Price: AED 690

Discount: 59.42%

Promotional Offer: AED 280


5% VAT is applicable

Register Now to avail our 2023 Promo!

Course Schedule:  Every Thursday

About Infection Control Course

The infection control Course is designed to identify and reduce risks of acquiring and transmitting infections among patients, healthcare professionals, staff and visitors. The course covers the main infection control practices including chain of infection, infection control precautions, disinfection and sterilization technique, waste management, transmission based precautions, isolation precautions, aseptic technique, MRSA, MERS, EBOLA, etc.

Health care associated infection (HAI) could lead to death, disability and excess medical costs worldwide.

As per the regulatory health Authorities in UAE, “infection prevention and control programs in health care facilities maximize patient outcomes and should be an integral part of health care facility management and operations.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), estimates that billions of dollars in additional hospital costs are incurred annually as a direct result of health care associated infections or nosocomial infections.

All healthcare professionals must be well informed of various infection control practices. A breach in infection control practices facilitates transmission of infection between patients, health care workers, other patients and attendants.

 Course Schedule: Flexible

Complimentary coffee breaks

The more CME Courses you register, the lesser you pay – BIG DISCOUNTS! awaits you.

2 CME Courses  500 AED
3 CME Courses  660 AED